Here are some links to sites that we hope you will find useful!
Cerebral Palsy Guide A national organization which provides information about therapies and treatment, causes of CP and support for those with the disorder.
Kids Health Provides developmental milestones and answers to many parenting questions. Also provides health related information to kids and teens.
ASHA ASHA stands for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
The Stuttering Foundation The Stuttering Foundation offers great information for parents of children who stutter or think their child may stutter. There is information available to help parents distinguish between normal dysfluencies and a true stuttering problem.
Apraxia-Kids Apraxia-Kids is a resource for parents of children who have apraxia of speech. You can find lots of resources here. Apraxia is also referred to as developmental apraxia of speech (DAS), childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) or dyspraxia.
Parenting Special Needs Help parents navigate the uncharted waters of raising a special needs child. Providing practical tips, sharing life’s lessons, and tackling challenges.
Fast ForWord The Fast ForWord reading intervention program consists of a series of computer-delivered brain fitness exercises to help improve achievement with a variety of student populations.
AutismSpeaks Is a website dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders and to funding research into the causes of autism.
Literacy Speaks Literacy Speaks! introduces orthographic instruction (printed cues) in a comprehensive program that improves speech intelligibility and language skills while promoting a strong literacy foundation.
Use Visual Strategies Gives simple strategies to improve communication so you can achieve positive social opportunities & learning for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders & related learning needs.
Social Thinking A program which focuses on social thinking as a treatment approach for students with social and communication challenges.
National Down Syndrome Society The National Down Syndrome Society is the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.
Raising A Sensory Smart Child Real life solutions for children with sensory processing disorder.
First Signs (Autism) Excellent informational link for parents just beginning the journey into autism.